Traditional Dance |
I moved to Izalco in September, and have very busy learning about the rich Indigenous Nauwat culture. The entire month of December is dedicated here to Christ with their strong faith. Schools are closed until after the New Year. There are also symbols of their native heritage all through the Churches. I am working with Indigenous youth and adults to help start an Art School for Indigenous Arts here including mural painting, their Nauwat language as well as their Music, Dance, and Traditional medicines and foods. Their DREAM is to tell their story and history through the Arts with an Art School that will continue on along with their hope to be represented in their own Museum one day. Their past history is one of being persecuted for speaking their language, and in 1932 thousands of them were killed by the government in power. The amazing thing is that they survived, and here in Izalco their story continues on today. I hope to add some Christmas photos from Izalco before Christmas so please check back later again.